GWiMMRN, Just How Fucking HARD Is It for You Retards to Focus Edition Edition Fucking Edition
The burden of placing things in my mouth and permitting you to guess what they may be isn't one I take up lightly. At times, I suffer. All I ask of you is that you guess. I just want you to FOCUS. Instead, I get whining and faux-outrage and a big fat waste of my time. So this time, I've put one of your non-FOCUSING comments into my mouth, and I want you to fucking figure the fuck out which fucking one it is:
C) Untasted llama testicles
D) A freshly-published fart
E) Annie Potts's outtake from the film Ghostbusters: "Heh-loh? Ghohst-buhstuhs. Wanna watch my tits flop around? Huh? Heh-loh?"
F) Whining about how disgusting H) is
G) A painting of Leonardo da Vinci sucking Jesus off while fondling Satan's balls
I) A big, fat cock wearing a monocle so it can FOCUS
C) Untasted llama testicles
D) A freshly-published fart
E) Annie Potts's outtake from the film Ghostbusters: "Heh-loh? Ghohst-buhstuhs. Wanna watch my tits flop around? Huh? Heh-loh?"
F) Whining about how disgusting H) is
G) A painting of Leonardo da Vinci sucking Jesus off while fondling Satan's balls
I) A big, fat cock wearing a monocle so it can FOCUS
That fart publishing joke is so juevenile, sophomoric, and junior league.
" was widely smelled." I mean, my goodness. What's wrong with people?
Have you people lost your minds? I never said such a thing. I am FAUX OUTRAGED.
I regret to inform you that due to stiff jealousies in our little "menage a 3," our little "power trio" broke up.
I now comfort myself by sucking off a plastic vibrating dildo while fondling my own balls.
It's not quite the same, but it helps me pass the lonely hours.
Hey, excuse me? Professor Meaty Balls? I... I'm having trouble focusing today. Can I be excused to the bathroom for a while? Maybe, like, 5 minutes?
Ach! My goiter is nothing to laugh at! OH! Oh my goiter.
Eeesh. My goiter is ABSOLUTELY killing me today! Heesh! Hoofah! Shibbitybang! Zippilly nippily! Ach.
My goiter.
I just want everyone here to know that people suffering from goiters NEVER EVER say "Shibbitybang!" or "Zippilly nippily!"
It's not funny.
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Oh, thank you!
I'm fifteen different kinds of grateful!
Thank you!!!!
Maybe you should see a doctor about that.
Or, maybe you should just GROW UP.
I put a monocle on MY cock and now it looks like Colonel Klink.
I think it's sort of cute. Espescially with the little drop of jizz on it I use to stick the monocle on.
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