About Me
- Name: My Mouth
- Location: Below the Nose, Above the Chin, Afghanistan
I'm into cooking. Here's my recipe for Hot Dog Cake: 12 Hot dogs, thoroughly boiled. 1 lb. sugar. 14 Hand-made hot dog buns. 2 gallons of store-brand mustard. Mix half the sugar and all of the hot dogs together in a large mixing bowl. Beat off regularly until creamy. Then, for the icing, mix the mustard and the rest of the sugar until spoon can stand up straight in the bowl. Bake the hot dog mixture at 375 degrees F for 45 minutes. Place on a big rack. Let it cool until all the juices run down the big rack. Slather the "icing" on the cake. Make oblong slices of cake and place into the hand made hot dog buns. Eat. Puke. Repeat.
Previous Posts
- GWiMMRN, Just How Fucking HARD Is It for You Retar...
- GWiMMRN, I Went to the Zoo Edition
- Choo choo! The Mouth Express Is Coming Through! ...
- TGIF! Lick My Nuts!
- GWiMMRN, Health Club Edition
- Axis of...
- Labor on My Ding-Dong
- GWiMMRN on This Very Sunday, You Fuckchops Edition
- Raggin' Fridays
- GWiMMRN, FOCUS Aid Edition
I'm pretty disgusted by that picture, as well. I know you think you're funny and cute, but you aren't.
Just because I'm semi-homeless, it doesn't mean that I appreciate such humor. Bigot.
By the way, it was APPLE JUICE, not urine.
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