GWiMMRN, Ask the Furry Catballs for Advice Edition
I've returned from my unannounced hiatus to inform and delight you some more.
I get lots of Mouthmail, but I only have time to respond to a little of it. In-between putting things in my mouth, I have hired an individual to respond to all future mail. Here is a recent exchange:
I get lots of Mouthmail, but I only have time to respond to a little of it. In-between putting things in my mouth, I have hired an individual to respond to all future mail. Here is a recent exchange:
Dear Mouth:
Should I quit my job at the law firm and live the life of a pianist the way I've always wanted? I think I can swing it financially, and it's always been a dream of mine to play the piano professionally. Should I go for it?
Big Pianist in Oconomowoc

Excellent, love it! » »
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