Welcome to "Suck It" Tuesdays
If it's Tuesday, you have to "suck it."
A) The RAZR that was originally in Paris Hilton's pooper shooter.
B) A gorgeous black strapless dress with matching hand-bag and shoes.
C) The long, brown log I left in the handicap stall of the executive washroom.
D) The spider that made it's "nest" in the corner of the handicap stall, stretching from the toilet to the wall.
E) The itsy bitsy spider crawling up the water spout.
F) My local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office, down to the last carpet fibre.
G) A pot, to piss in.
H) The Great Wall of Mexico.
I) The Great Big Fat Cock.
A) The RAZR that was originally in Paris Hilton's pooper shooter.
B) A gorgeous black strapless dress with matching hand-bag and shoes.
C) The long, brown log I left in the handicap stall of the executive washroom.
D) The spider that made it's "nest" in the corner of the handicap stall, stretching from the toilet to the wall.
E) The itsy bitsy spider crawling up the water spout.
F) My local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office, down to the last carpet fibre.
G) A pot, to piss in.
H) The Great Wall of Mexico.
I) The Great Big Fat Cock.
I hope you left that "log" in the toilet.
Notice how I put "log" in [begin scare quote] scare quotes [end scare quote].
No, I didn't.
I figured that the handicap stall is roomy enough so that future poopy-makers can successfully walk around it.
This makes me so mad I could just SHIT AN ENTIRE HIPPOPOTAMUS!
At least I don't shit on the FLOOR.
You know?
um. When you were in said handicapped stall, did you poo out the RAZR from Paris Hilton?
I thought the video showed her answering her telephone while engaging in sexual intercourse. Was the phone part of the 'course?
Hm. Dirty phone.
I certainly did NOT "poo out" the RAZR. Paris Hilton "pooed it" and it may, OR MAY NOT BE, in my mouth right now.
And for your information, Paris, while riding a big ol' cock, was calling Mexico's President Vicente Fox for his opinions on immigration reform. Then, as always, Paris was ahead of the political cultural curve, setting events in motion that would leave even Larry "Bud" Melman sweating profusely.
I advise you to "grow up."
Got any gum?
I'm sweating profusely right now!
I'm spurtin' here!
Gum is NOT food. I don't care what some mindless bureaucrat says.
Is ANYTHING you chew on food? Are cocks food?
Shouldn't you be in Mexico, or something?
Why do days "suck" so much?
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