It Starts with Roast Beef...
...and ends in a Cleveland Steamer! But in-between is a whole lot of fun. Trust me.
A) The stomach growlies.
B) Your references, which/who are available upon request.
C) The Recently-Fired Busomly Commander in Chief.
D) News you can use as a shot rag.
E) A milfy, busomly woman in a Wonder Woman costume.
F) An octogenarian hornswaggler.
G) Your glory days. Yes YOURS.
H) A big-rig trans-fatty acid-rock cock.
A) The stomach growlies.
B) Your references, which/who are available upon request.
C) The Recently-Fired Busomly Commander in Chief.
D) News you can use as a shot rag.
E) A milfy, busomly woman in a Wonder Woman costume.
F) An octogenarian hornswaggler.
G) Your glory days. Yes YOURS.
H) A big-rig trans-fatty acid-rock cock.
I honestly don't know how many more pictures of Helen Thomas I can take.
I'd love to see Julie Strain and Geena Davis get down and dirty in a barrel of boiled pork rinds.
Ouch! A lot of blood came out that time.
They'll pass you by, you know.
The glory days.
Not anything else.
Okay. Yeah.
I guess that's all I have to say, really.
Take it easy, heh heh.
I'll take it any way I can get it, heh.
See you 'round, Bruce.
Heh. Yeah.
Not if I see you first, heh heh.
Catch ya.
Boy, that was a depressing exchange. It's like they don't know what to say to each other, you know?
Hee hee!
That jokes never gets old.
Okay, I'm requesting those references.
Please don't request us. We don't want to be anally penetrated.
You know, the guy who ejaculated blood in the comments has got a real problem there.
I just thought I'd let you know.
I can't say I care about that guy.
I really can't say that.
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