GWiMMRN, What the Fuck? Edition
Alright people! Don't be alarmed. Everyone just CALM DOWN. Now, don't panic. I'm going to unzip my pants and everyone, and I MEAN EVERYONE, can kiss my hairy, hairy bean bags. Now, don't crowd, don't push ahead in line, there's time enough for everyone. OK? Now, after you're done, guess what's in my mouth right now. Remember: CALM DOWN. FOCUS.
A) Crash? What the fuck?
B) Seriously. Crash? You've got to be kidding, right?
C) You're seriously telling me that Crash was the best movie of the year? No fucking way, man. NO. FUCKING. WAY. Brokeback was ROBBED, dude. ROBBED.
D) Way too much emotional investment in something sooooo stupid.
E) A sore throat, the sniffles, and a bad case of the shits.
F) Halls, tissues, and nothing stops a bad case of the shits. NOTHING.
G) Reese Witherspoon, America's Sweetheart.
H) Reese Witherspoon's excitement at getting the Oscar.
I) *fffrrrrpppttt* *SPLOOOOOSH!* Oh. Oh boy.
J) A big, fat, golden Oscar cock.
UPDATE: It may now be K) This screenshot of the Academy Award 2006 nominations as broadcasted internationale:
A) Crash? What the fuck?
B) Seriously. Crash? You've got to be kidding, right?
C) You're seriously telling me that Crash was the best movie of the year? No fucking way, man. NO. FUCKING. WAY. Brokeback was ROBBED, dude. ROBBED.
D) Way too much emotional investment in something sooooo stupid.
E) A sore throat, the sniffles, and a bad case of the shits.
F) Halls, tissues, and nothing stops a bad case of the shits. NOTHING.
G) Reese Witherspoon, America's Sweetheart.
H) Reese Witherspoon's excitement at getting the Oscar.
I) *fffrrrrpppttt* *SPLOOOOOSH!* Oh. Oh boy.
J) A big, fat, golden Oscar cock.
UPDATE: It may now be K) This screenshot of the Academy Award 2006 nominations as broadcasted internationale:

I still think it's an ABOMINATION that that horrible site pops up when someone does a google search on "Reese Witherspoon, America's Sweetheart."
There's no way on this earth that I'm getting NEAR those bean bags, no matter HOW hairy hairy they are are.
Oh, you WILL kiss the beanbags. YOU WILL.
funny as hell-
OSCARS - didnt watch em (BOR-ING)
CRASH (pretty good movie)
BAREBACK MOUNTAIN (doesnt look interesting to me)
HAIRY BEAN BAGS (hahahahaha , no thankx)
ahhhh , wtf...I pick J....
hee hee
""""""" <----Some of the shaved-off hairs from my hairy beanbag.
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