
You Won't Find a Better Deal Than What's in My Mouth Right Now

What can I do to put you in My Mouth right now?

Let me offer you some goodies:

A) Two badly cut pinky finger nails, not mine.
B) Rat shit, bat shit, and a dirty old twat.
C) 69 assholes, tied in a knot.
D) Lizard shit.
E) Zammis? Zammis? ZAMMIS!
F) The MET. That's right, the whole thing, right here, in my mouth.
G) A big, fat cock. That's right, the whole thing, right here, in my mouth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you fit both George Carlin AND the Met in there all at once?!?

Wow! I mean...wow!

11:23 AM  

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