GWiMMRN, Unwarranted Comments at the Bus-Stop Edition
Stop talking to me Stop talking to me Stop talking to me Stop talking to me just stop it.
A) Some guy asking me why I'm wearing blue today.
B) My reply, "'Cause it's gonna be the color of your face when I'm through with you, buddy boy."
C) Dungarees.
D) A Horn of Plenty.
E) That time when Larry "Bud" Melman walked on-stage on The David Letterman Show and pulled a live kitten out of his ass.
F) A Big Fat C***.
A) Some guy asking me why I'm wearing blue today.
B) My reply, "'Cause it's gonna be the color of your face when I'm through with you, buddy boy."
C) Dungarees.
D) A Horn of Plenty.
E) That time when Larry "Bud" Melman walked on-stage on The David Letterman Show and pulled a live kitten out of his ass.
F) A Big Fat C***.
oh the HORROR!
I would like to REMIND everyone that the shredded wheat shits are real pipe-destroyers, if you know what I'm saying.
Au Liban, la loi permet aux hommes d'avoir des relations sexuelles avec des animaux à la condition qu'il s'agisse de femelles! Faire la même chose avec des bêtes mâles peut entraîner la peine de mort!
Hohn hohn hohn! Allow me to translate!
Lebanon, the law makes it possible to the men to have sexual intercourse with animals in the condition which they are females! To do the same thing with male animals can involve the death penalty!
Allow me to translate again!
I hate my job as CBC/Radio-Canada chairman and I want to be fired!
Hohn hohn hohn!
I...I just can't deal with this any more.
The live was the last straw.
I'm sorry. You've lost a reader.
And then there were two.
So, wearin' blue today?
Why ya wearin' blue?
Whatcha doin' that for?
They keepin' ya busy?
Somethin' the matter?
What, I'm not good enough to talk to?
Hm? Huh?
Did you just tell me to gobble your ass cheeks?
Anyway, you gonna tell me about your sartorial choice today?
Yeah, the blue thing.
Heh heh.
Catch ya later.
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