GWiMMRN, Post-Memorial Day Cock Up Edition
Right now, guess what beloved cartoon character is in my mouth.
Right now.
A) Li'l Abner.
B) The Yellow Kid, who looks like a refugee from a nuclear holocaust.
C) Rippy the Foetus, the official mascot of the pro-life movement.
D) Hagar the Fucking Horrible.
E) Dilbert.
F) Memin Pinguin.
G) The big, fat cartoon cock of Woodstock.
UPDATE: The answer may now be H) Jordan, who provided yet another example of her MERCURIAL nature by changing her blogger template yet again.
Right now.
A) Li'l Abner.
B) The Yellow Kid, who looks like a refugee from a nuclear holocaust.
C) Rippy the Foetus, the official mascot of the pro-life movement.
D) Hagar the Fucking Horrible.
E) Dilbert.
F) Memin Pinguin.
G) The big, fat cartoon cock of Woodstock.
UPDATE: The answer may now be H) Jordan, who provided yet another example of her MERCURIAL nature by changing her blogger template yet again.
That foetus was pretty fucking disgusting.
It looked like canned spaghetti where its guts were.
It's a toss-up between that and you-know-who to determine which is more vomit-inducing.
call me, me with your big black cock you essentialized racist figure...
give me the cleveland steamer i so desperately extra corn..and peanuts too
Tell me Frank Miller didn't base the "Yellow Bastard" character from Sin City on "The Yellow Kid."
Hey everyone! Rippy the Foetus here, reminding you to CHOOSE LIFE.
I'm yellow because I pissed myself!
You betcha.
Batman raped me, too.
No, I didn't say that.
Unlike my bestest all-time butt-buddy and fellow dooky taster Deroy Murdock, "Patron Saint" of GWiMMRN, I DO have time to respond to all of these false statements.
I have not anally raped anyone, let alone a piss-stained inbred kid with jug-ears.
As I would say to Robin, while forcing him to deep-throat me in the Batmobile during our daily cruise through the high school parking lots, "GROW UP."
call MERCURIAL little sesame seed-speckled feces awaits..
who is
Yes, you did.
I can prove it.
No, you can't.
I do NOT have jug-ears! They are more like VAHZE ears.
"Call me, Ash."
"Call me, and afterwards.."
"I now have to work late tonight because I spent all this time responding to these asinine observations and flagellations of my character."
I feel really bad that I made Deroy Murdock, "Patron Saint" of GWiMMRN work late.
Really, really bad.
I'm, like, OMG! All broken up about it.
You know?
Eat me!
Gobble the french fries out of my hot twat!
Oh, and GROW UP while you're at it.
In fact, I'd like you to eat the Thomas Fries and GROW UP at pretty much the same time if you can.
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